Yearling #1 w/Levucell
It is a 12% all natural maintenance feed with the additive of Levucell SC Advantage Plus.
Bull #6 w/Levucell
It is a 14% protein feed for bulls – high energy and fiber – has Levucell SC Advantage Plus as an additive.
Wean Ration w/Proternative
It is usually a 12% feed made especially for weaning calves off of their momma’s. This additive is a live yeast that protects the respiratory system and aids in stress level. We also make this in a 14% & 16%
15% Cattle Conditioner w/Levucell
Our famous show cattle feed. High grade, good fiber with additives of Levucell SC Advantage Plus and Selplex. Many grand champions have ate this feed!
TWZ- Summer Blend Horse w/Levucell
Your horses will find this all grain feed to be their favorite. We call it summer blend because we add garlic to the feed. The garlic helps with the control of flies, ticks and mosquitoes. This is a 13% protein, high grade feed. Your horses will do extremely well on this feed because the ingredients are made especially for them. You will find absolutely zero fillers in this feed.
20% Pasture Balancer
This is a high protein supplement made to be fed especially in the winter months. This is a great source of protein and will make your cattle want to eat roughage. Great for the cattle and great for your pasture. This is to be fed to rumen only.